Three Decades of Learning About Community Living and Inclusion – Now What?

Quote: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past of present are certain to miss the future. - John F Kennedy

What can we do today to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities, their families, and communities?

Closing out the 2024 Reinventing Quality conference in Baltimore last month, Institute on Community Integration Director, Amy Hewitt, challenged a diverse panel of disability professionals to brainstorm some bold ideas. The panel consisted of Syard Evans, Bryan Boyce, BJ Stasio, and our Values Into Action Executive Director, Marian Frattarola-Saulino.

Here is a summary of some key points from the discussion:

Need for Human-Centered Approaches:

Panelists encouraged a focus on human-centered, not system-driven solutions. They called for a shift from a focus on limitations and urged that people with disabilities be seen for their full value and potential.

Reinventing the System:

There was a call to rethink the disability service system. Some noted that the same conversations about quality improvement continue to happen. Yet little has changed over the past several decades.

Community Integration:

The panelists argued that service systems often isolate individuals with disabilities. They shared that life in and of one’s community provides for better outcomes.

Person-Centered Planning:

Panelists argued that, for some, person centered planning has become more of a check-the- box. They called for true person-centered and directed supports.

Leadership and Systemic Change:

Some panelists stated that the workforce crisis is actually a leadership crisis. They highlighted the need for leadership to push the system toward meaningful change.

View the recording to hear the full conversation:

Our Commitment to Quality

At Values Into Action, we are dedicated to delivering highly customized, high-quality services, defined by the people we support. Team members from both our New Jersey and Pennsylvania organizations attended the Reinventing Quality Conference. They actively participated in learning and returned inspired to further enhance the quality of our services. We are thankful to the Reinventing Quality Conference and the panelists for the experience.