Rachel Milano-Davis

  • Quote: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past of present are certain to miss the future. - John F Kennedy

    Three Decades of Learning About Community Living and Inclusion – Now What?

    What can we do today to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities, their families, and communities? Closing out the 2024 Reinventing Quality conference in Baltimore last month, Institute on Community Integration Director, Amy Hewitt, challenged a diverse panel of disability professionals to brainstorm some bold ideas. The panel consisted of […]

  • Use Your Voice: Vote

    New Jerseyans, Vote on Nov. 5th!

    As Americans, there are few things we can do that are more important than voting in elections. We all have an important duty in early November. We must all take the time and make our voice heard by casting our vote on November 5th. To make sure you can take part, it is important to […]

  • The word VOTE is repeated in black on a white background. Over it in yellow with pink highlight is "Use your vote"

    Make a Plan to Vote on November 5th!

    The next general/presidential election is Tuesday, November 5th 2024…do you have a plan to vote? The right to vote is one of the most powerful tools we have as citizens of the United States of America. Creating a plan for voting helps ensure that your voice is heard. By planning ahead, you can be sure […]

  • Be the Change

    Financial Management of Grants

    Grant projects are a great way to explore new approaches and solutions. Also, to collaborate with other organizations to impact system change. Values into Action has worked on many grant projects over the years. We’ve been awarded grants through the PA Developmental Disabilities Council, and NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities. As well as, in partnership […]

  • Picture of a microphone on a table in front of a row of chairs with the words, "Your Voice Matters"

    Don’t Forget the Microphone

    At a conference a few weeks ago during the Q&A part someone asked how to keep doing this work in challenging times. I spoke of offering the people we work with “a seat at the table.” The presenter next to me added to the statement by saying “A seat…and a microphone.” This distinction is important. […]

  • A disabled man smiles brightly at the camera with a green sign saying, "I am Olmstead" on his lap.

    I Am Olmstead!

    This year, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Olmstead Decision. I am personally grateful to the United States Supreme Court for the impact this has on my life. About Olmstead The story of the Olmstead case begins with two women, Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson. They had mental illness and developmental disabilities. They […]

  • A graphic that provides visual representation of process improvement involving people.

    Improving Incident Management

    Incident Management (IM) gets a bad rap because it is often brought up when mistakes and bad things happen. Unfortunately, sometimes that is true. However, sometimes while supporting someone to live an everyday life, incidents do happen and spoiler alert… it’s not always a bad thing! Incident Management seeks to ensure the health and safety […]

  • Bright colored calendar with a picture of a sun and sky and an overlapping bullhorn with lightening bolts coming out.

    Fairs, Festivals, and Free Events in NJ!

    Summer is almost upon us. The weather is getting nicer, which gives us all more of a reason to go outside! If you are interested in fairs, festivals, and free events, then check out the link in the button below. This online resource organizes fairs and festivals by month throughout the state of New Jersey […]

  • Values Into Action logo next to the words, "Website Updates" Below are graphics of different sized screens with pictures of our website inside.

    Our Website has Changed – Check it Out!

    We are excited to announce updates to our website! What’s New? We’ve built out web pages with more information about our Pennsylvania Services. Before, we had a single web page that had brief descriptions of our services. Now, each of our services has their own page. Each service page includes expanded information about what the […]

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