Join Us at the NJ Youth Transition Conference!

Graphic with a pink background and the word chance changing to the word change.

Are you a young adult with a disability, a family member, or someone who helps people with disabilities? Then we’ve got something exciting to share with you! It’s called the NJ Youth Transition Conference, and it’s all about helping people transition into the world of services and support.

The NJ Youth Transition Conference is a special event created just for you and your family. It’s a chance to learn about the different services available to young adults as they enter the DDD service system. DDD stands for the Division of Developmental Disabilities. They help people with disabilities get the services they want and need.

At the conference, you’ll get to hear from experts who know all about the services and support available to you. They’ll talk about things like housing options, job training programs, and how to get help you to live your best life.

But that’s not all! The NJ Youth Transition Conference is also a great opportunity for families and professionals who work with people with disabilities. They can learn more about how to support young adults during this important transition period and connect with others in the community who can help.

So, mark your calendars and get ready to join us at the NJ Youth Transition Conference in October 2024! It’s going to be a day filled with learning, networking, and empowerment. Together, we can help you build a bright and successful future. See you there!

In the meantime, you can check out the recordings and resources from last year’s YTC on this link.