The NJ Annual Self-Direction Conference: Back to the Future

city scape with words Back to the Future

Hey there! Are you ready to take a trip through time? Well, you don’t need a time machine for this adventure. The NJ Annual Self-Direction Conference is coming up, and this year’s theme is “Back to the Future!” It’s all about exploring the past and future of self-direction in New Jersey.

What is Self-Direction?

Before we jump into the details, let’s talk about what self-direction is. Self-direction is a way for people, especially those with disabilities, to take control of their own support services. Instead of having someone else make decisions for them, they get to decide how their services are planned and delivered. It’s all about having the freedom to choose what’s best for you.

A Look Back in Time

The conference will take us on a journey back to when self-direction first started in New Jersey. We’ll learn about the pioneers who helped shape the program and the early days when self-direction was just an idea. It’s a great way to understand how far we’ve come and appreciate the hard work that got us here.

Zooming into the Future

But we’re not just looking back; we’re also looking ahead! The conference will explore the future of self-direction in New Jersey. What new technologies and ideas will make self-direction even better? How can we make sure everyone who wants to can take part? These are some of the exciting questions we’ll be answering.

Fun and Learning for Everyone

This conference isn’t just about serious stuff. There will be lots of fun activities and opportunities to meet new people. Whether you’re someone who uses self-direction, a family member, a service provider, or just someone interested in learning more, there’s something for you.

Why You Should Attend

Attending the NJ Annual Self-Direction Conference is a fantastic way to get inspired and informed. You’ll hear stories from people who are using self-direction to live their best lives. You’ll learn from experts about the latest trends and tools. And you’ll have the chance to share your own ideas and experiences.

Join Us!

Mark your calendars and get ready to travel “Back to the Future” with us. The NJ Annual Self-Direction Conference promises to be an exciting and educational event. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of New Jersey’s self-direction journey.

You can learn more and pre-register for this year’s NJ Self-Direction Conference on this website.

We can’t wait to see you there!