Our Community in Action

  • Bright colored calendar with a picture of a sun and sky and an overlapping bullhorn with lightening bolts coming out.

    Fairs, Festivals, and Free Events in NJ!

    Summer is almost upon us. The weather is getting nicer, which gives us all more of a reason to go outside! If you are interested in fairs, festivals, and free events, then check out the link in the button below. This online resource organizes fairs and festivals by month throughout the state of New Jersey […]

  • Cartoon image of three people working around a desk together.

    Collaborative Team Leadership in Action

    What is Collaborative Team Leadership (also known as Participatory Management)? It is a management practice used here at Values into Action. With this philosophy, formal leaders work alongside team and community members. Here at Values Into Action, we have many examples of this type of leadership in action.   First, for people to fully participate, information […]