Values into Action


We offer services in partnership with people with disabilities across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We are a qualified service provider through the Office of Developmental Programs. Learn about our services and employment opportunities by clicking the links in the boxes below.

Choose Us for Your Services

Contact us directly or ask your Support Coordinator to help you schedule time with our team to learn about all we can offer you.

Work With Us

Are you looking to put your skills to work to advance our mission? Check out our job board to find opportunities to work with Values into Action.

Values Into Action logo with these statements: Adapting with you to live your life, you way. Respecting you and your choices. Dedicated to you and your ambitions. Kind to you without exception. Transforming services with you. Open minded to you. Accountable to you and yours.

From the Blog:

Pandemic Wisdom: Empathy, Collaboration, and Transformation

Five years ago this March, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. As the world seemed to shut down, Values Into Action knew we had to mobilize to ensure the safety of all. We maintained community connections through innovative approaches.   Values Into Action focused on adapting and preparing to keep everyone as safe […]