
  • Black and White Photo of Patti Smith with the words, "people have the power"

    Our Journey in Music

    Music has tremendous power. The power to incite emotions and make us feel like we’re in a different place or time. It creates a feeling of flow and ease in our lives. It lifts our spirits when we’re not feeling our best.  Music is an important part of our journey. The Values team embraces all […]

  • Values Into Action logo with 20 IN 25 below it on a pink background. Graphics of a disco ball on the top left corner and a of a DJ in the bottom right corner.

    Values Into Action is 20 in ‘25!

    Happy New Year! This year, Values turns 20 in ‘25!  As we mark two decades of putting our values in action, we look forward to a year of reflection. We’ll share the story of our co-founders, Marian and Paul Saulino. A couple committed to social justice. A couple who had a vision and made it […]

  • Quote: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past of present are certain to miss the future. - John F Kennedy

    Three Decades of Learning About Community Living and Inclusion – Now What?

    What can we do today to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities, their families, and communities? Closing out the 2024 Reinventing Quality conference in Baltimore last month, Institute on Community Integration Director, Amy Hewitt, challenged a diverse panel of disability professionals to brainstorm some bold ideas. The panel consisted of […]

  • The word VOTE is repeated in black on a white background. Over it in yellow with pink highlight is "Use your vote"

    Make a Plan to Vote on November 5th!

    The next general/presidential election is Tuesday, November 5th 2024…do you have a plan to vote? The right to vote is one of the most powerful tools we have as citizens of the United States of America. Creating a plan for voting helps ensure that your voice is heard. By planning ahead, you can be sure […]

  • Be the Change

    Financial Management of Grants

    Grant projects are a great way to explore new approaches and solutions. Also, to collaborate with other organizations to impact system change. Values into Action has worked on many grant projects over the years. We’ve been awarded grants through the PA Developmental Disabilities Council, and NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities. As well as, in partnership […]

  • Picture of a microphone on a table in front of a row of chairs with the words, "Your Voice Matters"

    Don’t Forget the Microphone

    At a conference a few weeks ago during the Q&A part someone asked how to keep doing this work in challenging times. I spoke of offering the people we work with “a seat at the table.” The presenter next to me added to the statement by saying “A seat…and a microphone.” This distinction is important. […]

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