We offer services in partnership with people with disabilities living across the Commonwealth using Office of Developmental Program (ODP) services.
In Home & Community Supports
Support is provided to you in your home and community. The services focus on helping you learn and sustain the skills that are important to you as you live your life, your way. The assistance, guidance, and support we provide with those activities, experiences, and skills are driven by your preferences and needs.
Community Participation Support (CPS)
An alternative to traditional day services, this service provides opportunities and support for you to learn about and become a part of your community. Also, to help you build interest in, and develop your skills and potential for a career or job of your choosing. This service is provided 100% in the community. We partner with you to create a meaningful schedule that includes your wants, needs, and aspirations.
Residential Supports
This service, licensed by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), is holistic in nature, meaning that we provide assistance, guidance, mentoring, and support with your mental and physical health and wellness, securing and maintaining your housing to the licensing standards, and more importantly, to your standards. We also help you with building and sustaining relationships in your neighborhood and community.

Housing Transition and Tenancy Sustaining Support Services
Beginning with the Housing Assessment, a Housing Resource Specialist guides you in organizing information on current and needed accommodation/s, environmental, technological, financial, and housing related resources. The assessment then drives the Housing Plan that is facilitated with people you choose, and guides the housing and tenancy sustaining support services (HTTS) activities with the ultimate goal of helping you find and sustain a home of your own that is separate from your service provider.
Supports Broker Services
This service helps you learn to direct and sustain control of your waiver services by offering assistance, guidance, and mentoring with employer related tasks, ensuring you understand and comply with all the regulations and rules that apply to the use of public funds, and most importantly, connecting or maintaining relationships with people and places in your neighborhood and community, so you live your best life.
Unsure What Services Are Right For You?
Our Commitment to Quality:
We aim for high quality support services that meet your needs. If we ever fall short, please let us know so we can work to improve your experience.