This page has information for people who like to learn about the science of friendship.
You’ll also find some resources that may not specifically be about friendship, but are helpful in different ways.

Advisory: The Healing Effects of Social Connection
From the US Surgeon General. According to their research, connecting with others is important for our health, our communities, and for society as a whole. This advisory highlights the importance of connecting with others and gives us ideas for how we can all make social connections.
Literature Review for Authentic Friendships – Temple University
From Temple University Institute On Disabilities. This document is a review of recent research on the importance of friendships for people with disabilities.
Research and Resources about Social Isolation and Loneliness
From the Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness. This information is not specific to people with disabilities. However, there are many pieces of research and resources to look through.

Other Resources
Assistive Technology Program Finder
This organization aims to help people with disabilities access assistive technologies. They provide a list of programs in each state that can help people access assistive technology.
National Rural Transit Assistance Program
National RTAP’s goal is to help rural and tribal transit operators nationwide by providing training and technical support. They also help state RTAP programs. They offer free help like training materials, webinars, newsletters, and other resources.
The Neurodiversity Employment Network
This organization’s mission is to connect job seekers, employers, educators, and service providers. By doing so, they support neurodivergent people gain employment. They provide a space for members to share their stories about neurodivergent inclusion and empowerment in the workplace. It is a place that connects organizations working in the Greater Philadelphia Region.

This project is funded by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.