If you were to look on Values Into Action’s website right now, a word you would see highlighted over and over again is Partnership. Partnership is a cornerstone of the services Values Into Action provides. In this blog, we explore a unique network of partnerships that create a circle of support with Erin Perry. Erin, along with Values Into Action employees Jennifer Smith and Kathy Perry, and Erin’s Supports Coordinator Candice DiLorenzo discuss that circle of support.
Erin & Jennifer
Erin has utilized Values Into Action’s Supports Brokering services for twelve years. For seven of those years, she has been working with Supports Broker Jennifer Smith. Together, Erin and Jennifer work on Erin’s goals. They meet weekly. Their relationship has grown through time and building trust in one another. Erin shared, “We trust each other so much that we can say anything to each other.” Jennifer echoed that sentiment, “Erin keeps me keyed in to when things are going on in her life, we are vulnerable with each other.” Some highlights of their partnership revolve around a Taylor Swift concert they attended. When asked what they’ve learned from one another, both shared stories from that concert.
Erin: “Jennifer took me on my very first Uber ride after the Taylor Swift concert. I was nervous, but I knew she would keep me safe. It was kind of fun, actually, and we had another concert in the Uber.”
Jennifer shared a story about a woman who approached them after the concert, as they were on their way to catch the subway: “She obviously was having fun at the event, maybe had a couple drinks, so immediately some alarm bells were going off for me. I stepped into a more protective role. And Erin said to me, ‘calm down, she just wants to chat’. The lady wanted to talk to Erin about how her own child has Down Syndrome. After the conversation was over and we moved on, Erin talked to me about how her perspective gives her a willingness to listen, and she really understood where that woman was coming from. I was learning from Erin in that moment while she was learning from me about public transit.”
Jennifer has been a Supports Broker with Values Into Action for 7.5 years. She not only supports Erin but a multitude of other people too. Jennifer shared about times when she felt proud of her work here; “Every time I see a ‘no’ become a ‘yes’ for the people I support are my proudest moments. So, when someone is told they cannot use a service or support in a particular way and I am able to equip them with the knowledge and information needed to correct that misinformation. Simple things like clarifying with Supports Coordinators (SCs) that mileage reimbursement isn’t included in Services and Supports Professional (SSP) wages in the Participant Directed Services (PDS) model, or that SSPs can support people to take their meds based on service definitions. Or, connecting someone with community-based funding sources to help them pursue their educational interests. Seeing years of teamwork culminate in someone moving into their own apartments or just advising people that residential services are not their only options.”
“I just love being able to keep people informed so they can make the best choices for themselves.“
Jennifer Smith
Erin & Kathy
A choice Erin made that was best for her life was choosing to use the Supports Brokerage through Values Into Action. When she was asked why she chose Values Into Action, she said, “My mom works there and she works very hard. My friends who have gotten support there seem very happy and have a partnership with their staff and talk through their goals and needs with them.”
Erin’s mother, Kathy Perry, has worked with Values Into Action for over 14 years. She’s worked in many different positions but currently holds the role of Associate Director of In-Home and Community Services and Family Mentor. Kathy shared how she became connected with Values Into Action, “I met Marian [Value’s cofounder] when I was a professional advocate for the Arc of Delaware County. I started advocating for some of the people Marian and Paul were supporting and through that we built a relationship. As parents, my husband and I felt that our personal mission and vision for our kids and our family aligned very much with those of Values Into Action. When I left the Arc, I was able to come on at Values as a consultant and then full-time.” Kathy shared that she best contributes to the mission and vision of Values Into Action through her support of people and their family units.
“I consider that my specialty. Through my lived experience and my professional advocacy experience, that’s the most natural piece for me. I feel good about it. Being able to help other families is the proudest work I’ve done in all the time I’ve been with the agency.”
Kathy Perry
Kathy’s perspective is unique. She has a double vision of being an employee and the mother of a person who uses Values Into Action services. She shared this from her perspective as a mother, “I’m thrilled with the services Erin gets through the brokerage. Erin is in such a good way right now, that John and I are able to step back a little bit. She’s doing great. She makes great decisions, she tries really hard at things that are really important to her. That allows me the comfort level I need to be able to move back. And a lot of that is because of Values Into Action and Jennifer and all of her staff that Erin has chosen and hired.”
A Full Circle of Support
Erin’s partnerships don’t end with Values Into Action or her mom and dad. She has a host of people who are in her circle. This can be shown through one of Erin’s most memorable experiences with Values Into Action.
“Working on my PATH was very special to me because it helped me to see my past and future goals clearly. Having friends and a support system to work with in-person who listened and cared made it clear what was important to me.”
Erin Perry
One of the people who helped with Erin’s PATH was her Supports Coordinator, Candice DiLorenzo. As Erin’s Supports Coordinator, Candice helps Erin to determine what services she wants. In partnership with Erin, they track to be sure that Erin is getting what she wants out of those services. Candice commented from her perspective as a Supports Coordinator on the Support Brokering service Jennifer provides Erin, “Jennifer’s role and how it plays into Erin’s services being so successful is their consistent check-ins. They are focused on the goals and how they can move things along with the goals. Having honest conversations when progress isn’t made, [and] how we can make progress. I have found that has really allowed for goals to move along instead of becoming stagnant. Not all Supports Brokers offer that.”
Clearly, Erin’s partnerships have impacted her life and evolved over time. Erin elaborated, “Candice came into my life a long time ago. Thanks to Candice we built a relationship of trust over time. Jennifer helps me with my food and activity goals, with encouragement and weekly check-ins. Both Candice and Jennifer help my family work together with the community and other people living with disabilities. As I’ve grown up, relationships I’ve made with Jennifer, Candice, and other support staff have made me more independent.”
Erin is making the most out of her life and the service she uses at Values Into Action. She has surrounded herself with a circle of support that truly cares for her and for each other. We asked Erin what she would say to someone considering using Values Into Action services. Her response speaks to the community impact we strive to make,
“It’s a great company! Everyone I know there is wonderful because they are helpful, patient, and kind to others.”