Join Us at the NJ Youth Transition Conference!
Are you a young adult with a disability, a family member, or someone who helps people with disabilities? Then we’ve got something exciting to share with you! It’s called the NJ Youth Transition Conference, and it’s all about helping people transition into the world of services and support. The NJ Youth Transition Conference is a […]
Trauma Informed Care: The Healing Power of Choices
I think most people can think back to a time when we felt trapped and helpless. Maybe it seemed like the world was spiraling out of control. Perhaps our life was unraveling before our eyes, or we had just lost something that mattered to us deeply. The reality is, many things in life are out […]
Free Assistance and Holiday Programs 2023
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from support during the holiday season, there are charities offering a few programs of free toys, presents, gifts and meals. The assistance varies. Free gifts for children and boxes of food are passed out in 2023 to those who qualify. In addition to a gift for a […]
Making Your Life Easier Through Virtual Conferences
Autumn is a busy time for Values Into Action NJ! During the months of October and November, VIANJ partners with organizations to bring 2 conferences to our community: The NJ IDD Youth Transition Conference (YTC) and the NJ Self-Direction Conference (SDC). Both events helped reach 1,600 people with disabilities, their family members and the professionals […]
Finally HOME NJ Project
About the Project Values Into Action was awarded the NJ Housing Grant for People with Complex Medical and Behavioral Support Needs (and who are aging) by the NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities. We called this project, “Finally HOME NJ”. The goal of of the Finally HOME NJ grant was to raise awareness of the needs […]
Employment First in NJ
Did you know that New Jersey is an “Employment First” state? “Employment First” means that competitive employment is the recommended first activity after graduation. This is true for everyone, including people with disabilities. ‘Employment First’ is about empowering people with choices for their future. With opportunities for employment comes questions about how it could affect […]
The Real Struggles: Talking About Suicide Among People with Disabilities
Two years ago on August 9th, my family lost a loved one to suicide. He was a son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and soon to be father. While he was not a person with a disability, he had addiction and mental health issues. He received a lot of support and still the result was tragic. […]
With, Not For.
With, not For. That is a power statement and one that is used frequently here at Values into Action. It’s the cornerstone on which the work we do is supported. The collaborative model works to bring everyone to the table. This allows people to forge a path into a space where once hidden voices have […]
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Access Act
S.762 – Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Access Act Introduced by Senator Bob Casey 3/09/2023. Why is HCBS Access Act Important? There are many older adults and people with disabilities living in America who need help with daily activities. Many are eligible for Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) to support their everyday needs. […]
Group Homes and Day Programs After Graduation: Are These My Only Options?
As a new (or soon to be) graduate, you are faced with choices on how to live your life without the familiarity of a daily set schedule, schoolwork and activities. Sometimes this can feel scary and overwhelming. You may be asking yourself: “What will I do with my days now? Where will I live?” In […]