Don’t Forget the Microphone

Picture of a microphone on a table in front of a row of chairs with the words, "Your Voice Matters"

At a conference a few weeks ago during the Q&A part someone asked how to keep doing this work in challenging times. I spoke of offering the people we work with “a seat at the table.”

The presenter next to me added to the statement by saying “A seat…and a microphone.”

This distinction is important. Offering someone a seat means they are present. Offering someone a seat and a microphone means they have a voice and that voice is welcome and necessary.

Offering someone a seat and a microphone shows an individual that we value them. It shows we value their opinions. It shows that we will make time and space for that individual to share their ideas. That we want to know what they have to say. That what they say is valuable and necessary. That they are a part of the collaboration.

Here at Values Into Action we have a commitment to each individual’s voice. The words “Do With, Not For” is one way we acknowledge that.

In Housing Transition and Tenancy Sustaining (HTTS) services there are many ways we “hand someone the microphone.” From asking when and how to meet to asking where and how they hope to live. Our HTTS Team is skilled, but the individual is the expert in their own life. We remind ourselves of that by asking questions and listening.

Learn more about Values Into Action’s approach to supporting people with their housing aspirations here.