
  • A graphic that provides visual representation of process improvement involving people.

    Improving Incident Management

    Incident Management (IM) gets a bad rap because it is often brought up when mistakes and bad things happen. Unfortunately, sometimes that is true. However, sometimes while supporting someone to live an everyday life, incidents do happen and spoiler alert… it’s not always a bad thing! Incident Management seeks to ensure the health and safety […]

  • Graphic with yellow background and image of a friendship bracelet with the True Friendships Project Logo.

    Join the True Friendships Project

    Are you someone with a disability who wants to make and keep friends? Well, you’re not alone! Sometimes, it can feel a bit tricky to connect with others and build real friendships. That’s where the True Friendships Project comes in to lend a helping hand.  This project is all about making it easier for people […]

  • Values Into Action logo next to the words, "Website Updates" Below are graphics of different sized screens with pictures of our website inside.

    Our Website has Changed – Check it Out!

    We are excited to announce updates to our website! What’s New? We’ve built out web pages with more information about our Pennsylvania Services. Before, we had a single web page that had brief descriptions of our services. Now, each of our services has their own page. Each service page includes expanded information about what the […]

  • Three disabled people of color (a Black non-binary person on the left, a South Asian person with a wheelchair in the middle, and a Black woman on the right) at a kitchen counter with open space underneath. The person in the middle chops strawberries while the other two each sample a strawberry.

    Residential Service

    We offer holistic residential services to adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities or autism. “Holistic” means that we support the whole person. We wrap the person in the supports that are important to them. This includes: Our residential habilitation service is licensed under the Office of Developmental Programs. With licensing comes compliance standards related to […]

  • Our Services

    We offer services in partnership with people with disabilities living across the Commonwealth using Office of Developmental Program (ODP) services. In Home & Community Supports Support is provided to you in your home and community. The services focus on helping you learn and sustain the skills that are important to you as you live your […]

  • Three Black and disabled folx (a non-binary person resting one hand on the wall and the other on her cane, a non-binary person sitting in a power wheelchair, and a femme leaning while standing) rest and chat outdoors on a sunny day.

    Relationship Resource Guide

    Welcome to the True Friendships: Friendship is for Everyone Relationship Resource Guide! True Friendships hopes to make it easier for all people to make and keep friendships. The True Friendships project is focused on creating opportunity and capacity for friendships for all. We will continue to build this guide as we progress with the project. […]

  • Three Black and disabled folx (a non-binary person resting one hand on the wall and the other on her cane, a non-binary person sitting in a power wheelchair, and a femme leaning while standing) rest and chat outdoors on a sunny day.

    How to Make Friends

    On this page, you will find information and tools you can use to make and maintain friendships. This includes explainers for what friendship can look like, how to start conversations with new people, and much more! Guides and Tips How to Use Social Media to Keep Relationships Going From ConnectAbility Canada. Guide to Making Friendships […]

  • Three Black and disabled folx (a non-binary person resting one hand on the wall and the other on her cane, a non-binary person sitting in a power wheelchair, and a femme leaning while standing) rest and chat outdoors on a sunny day.

    Research and Resources

    This page has information for people who like to learn about the science of friendship. You’ll also find some resources that may not specifically be about friendship, but are helpful in different ways. Research Advisory: The Healing Effects of Social Connection From the US Surgeon General. According to their research, connecting with others is important […]

  • Three Black and disabled folx (a non-binary person resting one hand on the wall and the other on her cane, a non-binary person sitting in a power wheelchair, and a femme leaning while standing) rest and chat outdoors on a sunny day.

    Where to Meet Friends

    Here we share ideas and resources for where you can meet friends. This includes in-person or virtual events, places to find social events near you, and social media resources. In-Person Events Best Buddies PA: Upcoming Events This organization is a group of volunteers who work to bring people together. They want to make sure everyone […]