
  • An African American male in a wheel chair and an African American female pose for the camera in front of a black and white artistic background

    A Self-Directed (Night) Life

    Arthur (Art) uses the Supports Brokering service through Values Into Action to support him in managing his Participant Directed Services. Below is a conversation between Art and his Support Service Professional, Davion. Art and Diavion (pictured above) created this blog with the assistance from Jennifer Smith (Supports Broker) and Michele Dinardo (Supports Brokerage Coordinator). Diavion: […]

  • Blue background with a yellow shape of a house with white clouds and green bushes. In the house is a picture of two men. One is standing and the other is sitting in a power wheelchair. Both are smiling at the camera.

    Finally Home! Reflecting on 5 Years.

    Time flies when you’re having fun. And what’s more fun than helping people take control and find a home of their own!? For five years, Values Into Action PA has worked on the Person Directed Housing Grant. We did this with funding from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC). The project name is Finally Home. […]

  • A woman with question marks above her head considers her food options. On the left, there is pizza, candy, soda, a burger and fries. On the right, there is bananas, apples, broccoli, yogurt, fish and lettuce.

    Helping to Make Healthy Eating Choices

    Everyday Lives: Values In Action promotes self-direction, choice, and control. Self-direction is possible when:  We must respect people’s right to make decisions about the “big things” in their lives, as well as the smaller things, including what to eat.   People who provide support often ask the question: “How do we help a person to make healthy […]

  • Pink background with graphic representation of a stack of coins with a dollar side next to a circle with the percent sign with an arrow going around it.

    Unlocking the Mystery of Rate Setting

    Rate setting is the process that Medicaid systems use to create reimbursement rates for services provided. Many factors are taken into consideration during the development of rates. It’s meant to standardize the many costs associated with service delivery. Providers are asked to stay reasonably within those standards.   The Process Involves 3 Major Components:  Rate […]

  • Pam smiles brightly at the camera while holding her Painter and Poet business card

    Welcome to Pam’s World

    Independence, Creativity, and Choice…three individual rights that are sometimes taken for granted. Imagine being a person with disabilities who relies on the support of others to exercise these simple rights. Consider being unable to choose what you wear, the foods you eat, or the places you visit. This is the unfortunate reality for many people […]

  • Annie and Michael hold a picture frame with the Values Into Action logo

    Disability Pride Lehigh Valley

    Several members of the Values Into Action community attended the Lehigh Valley’s first ever Disability Pride PA event on July 22, 2023. Disability Pride PA promotes visibility within our community as we advocate for an inclusive world. To read the full mission statement of Disability Pride PA, please visit their website: Present at the event […]

  • A Deaf Black man wearing glasses looks neutrally at the camera while holding a hand lettered sign declaring “NOTHING about us without US.” The man wears denim overalls and has a black and white beard, septum piercing, and hair pulled back with a bandana. The background features a vibrant mural of a Black woman looking down.

    With, Not For.

    With, not For. That is a power statement and one that is used frequently here at Values into Action. It’s the cornerstone on which the work we do is supported. The collaborative model works to bring everyone to the table. This allows people to forge a path into a space where once hidden voices have […]