
  • Quote: Life Teaches Us Many Lessons. Depends on Us Whether We Want to Learn It.

    The Value of the Unexpected

    We work in partnership with people with disabilities so each person can plan and live happy and healthy lives. Despite everyone’s best efforts, things come up along the way that prompt us to take a look at what we are doing. In our line of work, when things fall outside the norm, they are often […]

  • Celebrating 18 Years of Building Community

    As we celebrate the 18th anniversary of Values Into Action, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Marian Frattarola-Saulino, shares a message of gratitude for the Values Into Action community. From the beginning, this was about YOU. Our community, our rights, and our determination to live our best and everyday lives. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Hello Values Into Action community. […]

  • Students RISE to Higher Education

    Purpose of Proposed Legislature: Providing students with disabilities better access to accommodations in Higher Education. Background: There is concern about how accessible universities are to students with disabilities. Universities and colleges need current documentation of disabilities for students to receive accommodations. They do not accept IEP and 504 plans from K-12 education. S.2550, the RISE […]

  • Networking in Action: Valuing Community Connections

    Photo: Julie and Kristian Smith-Diaz, Community Support Facilitator, in action at the Northampton Community College Career Fair At Values Into Action, our vision is a world where people with disabilities are accepted and welcomed in their communities. Our simple goal to hire people who align with this vision brings challenges. We continually assess best ways […]

  • Elissa and her Support Partner, Keriann, with a colorful background.

    Adapting in Partnership

    An accidental fall and fractured hip changed Elissa’s life within minutes. Yet, through her recovery, Elissa demonstrated perseverance that was nothing short of incredible. Elissa’s Support Partners played an essential role in this recovery. During Elissa’s time in the hospital, her Support Partners brought a sense of normalcy to an unfamiliar setting. They brought smiling […]

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging

    Holding Space for Lived Experience

    We talk a lot about the importance of shared lived experience. But why is this so important?   If we want to partner with individuals to support them in their vision for a good life, we need to know what they want and need. The shared lived experience of disability can help us understand. It can […]

  • ODP Waivers Renewed

    The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) recently announced three waiver renewals. These include the Consolidated, Community Living, and Person/Family Directed waivers. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) administers these waivers. The effective date is January 1, 2023. The Office of Developmental Programs recently announced the renewals. A bit of background on the process. […]