This section has materials that were shared during our Learning Sessions. This includes presentations, and any tools and resources that we shared. We will keep adding to this section as we host more Learning Sessions.

Learning Session 1:
Communication = Connection
The Presentation

You can download the presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF by clicking the buttons below.
Communication Passport Tool

You can download the Communication Passport tool as a Word document or PDF by clicking the buttons below.

Learning Session 2:
Making New Friends Safely
The Presentation

You can download the presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF by clicking the buttons below.
Life Trajectory Planning Tool
You can download the Charting the LifeCourse Life Trajectory Planning Tool as a PDF by clicking the button below.

Learning Session 3:
Healthy Friendships and YOU
The Presentation

You can download the presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF by clicking the buttons below.
Charting the LifeCourse Tools
Multiple tools and resources from Charting the LifeCourse were reviewed during the Learning Session. You can find them at the links below.
These include the Tool for Exploring Decision Making Supports, Trajectory for Supported Decision-Making, and Integrated Support Star for Supported Decision-Making.
Many of these resources may be helpful to you. In our Learning Session, we viewed the “Focus on Adulthood” guide.

This project is funded by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.